Hollywood Burbank Airport Parking
When you come to Burbank airport, you feel like at home. Many people think so, because the airport is very convenient and client-oriented. Parking near Burbank airport is the topic of interest for many travellers. More and more people prefer to arrive to the airport by their own car and don’t want to use public transportation. Experienced travellers usually prepare Burbank airport parking coupon that provides some discounts.
How is Burbank airport parking arranged?
Burbank airport parking services are very typical for airports and don’t have significant differences. As many other airports, it has short term parking option and travellers can also use long term parking at Burbank airport. To pay for parking, people can use ticketless parking solutions, they only need to insert their credit card into a special slot.
Long term parking services in the airport includes a free shuttle bus that is available every 10 minutes 24 hours. If you want to find cheap parking, Burbank airport offers you special economy lots: lot A, C, E. But, of course, leaving your car in a covered lot G will be more expensive. Burbank airport valet parking is the best solution for those people who appreciate their time very much. They just hand over their keys to a valet and forget about troubles connected with car parking.
Burbank airport parking rates
Burbank airport parking fees mostly depend on options offered. However, there is a wide choice of parking areas. Daily rates start from $3 per half an hour. $32 is the maximum daily sum that can be spent on short term parking. Additional days have another tariffs.
It is also important to know about long term parking rates at Burbank airport. Daily stay costs approximately $3 per hours, depending on lots. Economy lots A, C, E cost $3/hour. Covered lot G price is $3 up to 30 minutes, $23 is a maximum daily sum. Valet parking cost starts from $3, but it also includes additional service fee - $5.